Thursday, October 20, 2011

Damon Hyldreth

With industrial grade steels of all sorts ranging from Cor-Ten steel used on bridge construction to polished stainless steel Damon Hyldreth is both an engineer and poet with his masterful creations. Damon has the ability in his art to capture the quintessential moment where energy in a state of rest begins to manifest into a kinetic force. When observing his steel works that can be seen publicly throughout the world, one can not help but see a transformation or metamorphosis, an inspiration to become something more. Read more of Damon's own words from our website Hanson Gallery Fine Art.

Knot #44R

My work stands as a reminder of the connection between man and nature, even as the world around us becomes increasingly removed from this essential and most basic union. While the metals I use are clearly man-made, the result of my collaboration with them is a blurring of the divide between nature and structure, space and form. This results in a strong symbiosis between the formal elements of my sculpture and it’s surroundings, both architectural and natural.

My work in sculpture is highly linked to the process of transformation. I consider the potential energy of my materials and lure out of them the sensual and organic forces of nature. I blend emotion with form, allowing the work to evolve, probing shapes, investigating their capacity to change. I seek to reveal the nature of the material, allowing it to take on a life of it's own.

I create art that challenges people’s expectations. My sculpture embodies the tension between stasis and impending movement; despite its weight and volume, or perhaps because of it, metal can dance and even suggest song. Ideally a viewer engages with my work on a subliminal level enabling them to have an experience of a uniquely personal nature. I work with Cor-ten steel, stainless steel, bronze, and carbon steel. These diverse metals, with their varied looks, suggest forms individualistically.

For questions or more information please email us or call us at (415) 332-1815.